To introduce one to the programming world, introduction to Java is the way to go as it is the industry standard in software creation and management, java has extensive API support as the language is supported by developers all around the world.
Aside from being an open-source programming language with excellent documentation and inbuilt libraries, it has powerful tools both public and private, that are great at accomplishing tasks, thus making java the perfect introduction.
To introduce one to the programming world, introduction to Java is the way to go as it is the industry standard in software creation and management, java has extensive API support as the language is supported by developers all around the world.
Aside from being an open-source programming language with excellent documentation and inbuilt libraries, it has powerful tools both public and private, that are great at accomplishing tasks, thus making java the perfect introduction.
Aside from being an open-source programming language with excellent documentation and inbuilt libraries, it has powerful tools both public and private, that are great at accomplishing tasks, thus making java the perfect introduction.
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In this code, you can see a basic indent(spacing and alignment) being used and while it isn't mandatory to have an indentation, it is a great habit because indentation is industry standard.
Access modifiers are written above are used to describe access of the current block of code(could be a class, function, or field) given to various other blocks of code meaning depending on the modifier a code can or cannot use, implement and extend the class/fields.
shortcodes - Java