Introduction To DBMS

Quite often, you will find yourself in a situation in which the job that you want has certain specific pre-requisites in it that are deemed important for proper functioning and cohesion of the different aspects of the job, the same is the case for a data scientist.

Anyone pursuing or already in the field of Data Science/Data Analytics will know that databases are required for high-productive work.

Data can be anything, it is generally an unprocessed compilation of raw facts. If it is processed it changes into information.

So, What is a database?

"Database is a collection of efficiently stored and organized related data in a structural format such as a table or a view or a schema, which provides easy access and helps in the retrieval, insertion, and deletion of data with the help of a database management system."

A database is one of the best ways to store data, data that is needed for precise analysis, for machine learning (that is training data), or for other purposes.
SQL and DB go hand-in-hand, A database is generally worked upon using a query language like SQL .

To create a database using SQL you use the "CREATE" command as shown below:


Now after getting a simple understanding of database, lets understand the system that manages said database, get it?

A system that manages a database . . . that right, that it is a database management system.

There are many such RDBMS available such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle DB, and Microsoft Access.

Why need a File System and why DBMS?

A file system is storage of files in a hard medium eg. a hard disk or a floppy disk.
It helps in organization of files by arranging files into folders into directories with access to other features. 

Where as a database management system is a software that can do all the traditional tasks of a file system efficiently, whether its storage or retrieval of data, or additional access measures to be kept in place while simultaneously providing options for editing data, deleting data , SQL queries.

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