Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

In this post, before we start to understand what is AWS, what type of service or platform it is, or what technology it is based on, we have to understand the underlying concept upon which it was founded which is cloud computing.

What is cloud computing & what are its types & why should you care?

When the cloud came into existence many companies started their cloud computing services.

Cloud Computing is the leading solution needed by the industry for fast accessibility and on-demand deliverance of computer resources like servers, applications, and databases via the cloud(internet) on a pay-as-you-go usage-based model.
There are many types of cloud computing services like IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS.

To know more click the below links.

For example Google Cloud Platform, Digital Ocean, IBM Cloud, AWS, and Microsoft Azure.

AWS is an abbreviation and it stands for amazon web services.

So among all this, Why AWS, Why should you learn more about AWS, when you have many other options as well?

Amazon web services are the leading service platform in the cloud computing industry.
But how do we know?

The numbers prove AWS.

For example, its compute capacity is the biggest and it's approx. 6 times, this is not a small margin.
Not only AWS has got a head start in the cloud computing market/space, but it also is the most evolving and with the most support thus AWS can be rightfully considered an industry leader.

Although Microsoft Azure is on a whole another level from other competitors it still is ways behind amazon web services and the same is the case for the google cloud platform.

Google being one of the pioneers in the advent of big data, is one the biggest competitors to AWS, although some features and the pricing is better than AWS, AWS offers much more than GCP in terms of features and utilities, and the variance you can achieve with those said features.

Now, let's talk about AWS and get a basic idea about it!!!!!

AWS is a robust, dynamic & secure cloud services platform,
It offers computing power, database storage, cloud software & content delivery.

Functionalities & services such as IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS help a lot of businesses scale and grow as they ease out unnecessary problems and make it easier and efficient to work on your company or business instead of handling cloud-related problems.

Let's try to understand how AWS helps businesses?

There can be many such use cases in which we can understand how AWS helps businesses
For example,
Let's take an organization that focuses on manufacturing or creating goods or an organization that is like a media company generating content but the company cant focus on just the manufacturing or in the case of the media company which cant focus completely on content creation as they have to work on IT and solutions for the problems created in IT.

This is where AWS comes into play as AWS takes care of IT infrastructure and management and provides storage for the content thus the organizations can focus on expanding instead of solving unnecessary problems that halt expansion.

In the following posts, we shall learn more about AWS, its advantages, its architecture, and other important topics.
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