Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) Concepts : Advanced Level/Detailed level

There are many methodologies used in programming, there are different paradigms of programming languages. 
One such is procedural programming which is a simple set of computational tasks that are carried out during the execution. for example C language.

This method is great if you want a simple code that has a simple implementation. These languages are great for beginners as they need less amount of data & the processes aren't difficult to comprehend.

But if you wish to create a client-focused, efficient coded software, the object-oriented method is the way to go.
Although it takes more time to work on object-oriented code, it is worth the effort as the efficiency, flexibility, and scalability are very high.

Object-oriented coding also removes the repetition of code as procedural programming had repeated code in similar functions.

So we have summarized why object-oriented programming is to be used, thus we shall now learn more about object-oriented programming.

This post is the third entry in the series of posts about object-oriented programming.

If this is your first post on object-oriented programming here at college integral, I suggest to the reader that if you do not have prior knowledge or know-how of this concept or if you are starting, or if you wish to check the previous posts about this topic click below.

In object-oriented programming, we will learn about objects, classes, and the pillars of object-oriented programming methodology like





Objects & Classes

"An object is the embodiment of the concept that is class."

Objects were introduced as the instances of classes in languages as a concept to deal with real-world problems.

These objects are synonymous with a real-world or abstract entity, that is 
“Object” can be a person, a company, a set of things, or anything abstract or real."

All objects have three distinctions, the object's identity, its behavioral aspects, and information about the said object.

This information we speak about this object can be considered as the attributes or properties of the object. These attributes are what we call data or arguments passed to the parameters of the function defining or handling the data of the said objects.

Any real-world object like a chair or a car can be considered an object.
For example, in the case of a person, let's say named "Alex", the likes/dislikes, features like height, weight, etc. are all attributes of Alex.

The person's name Alex is the identity here.
His behaviors are the functions in this code, some functions might be like eating, sleeping, drinking, running, jogging, and laughing.
These functions have parameters, these parameters and other details about the object are considered data about the object.
"A class is a blueprint or a template for the attributes & properties to be tied down to in an encoded form."

A class defines the object’s properties as its attributes and corresponding arguments are provided to the parameters stated inside the class methods (functions inside the class).

For example, All the functions like eating, and sleeping that were discussed Alex will come under the person's class.
 This class person will have these functions like eating and sleeping and will have instance variables with default values, which could be updated using constructors (will discuss this in a different post).

A class has the following 

1. instance variables

2. member functions

3. constructors

4. nested class & interfaces

5. fields & blocks

Whenever an object is created of a class, it is called the instantiation of an object. This object is made as an embodiment of a class. The values (arguments) passes from the object to the class whether through a constructor or a member function are stored into variables created inside the class.
These variables that are created inside a class are the instance variables.
These can have a default value as well in case no value is passed.

These classes have fields and blocks as part of the inherent structure of the class.
These fields are of different types but can be broadly classified as primitive or reference types generally in almost all cases.

These member methods are functions that are based on getting the desired result from the data of an object.


"The process of "abstraction" in object-oriented programming was introduced primarily to ensure confidentiality of the implementation details of the class and its functions. 

This solution needed to solve this issue timely without the user getting concerned over the confidentiality of underline working of the said program."

This came in the form of an interface that was akin to a "black box" meaning only the function, its parameters, and what the said function does was told to the end-user, this came into realization by the use of abstraction in the code of the program.

Understanding the distinction needed between the interface of the said function or class and its internal working or implementation. resulted in the program's inner working being hidden from unauthorized classes.
All of this resulted in a decrease in complexity, an increase in security, and thereby decreasing maintenance issues.

Let's take the same example of Alex, Alex was asked to complete a task, now is the result expected from Alex, is it the result or the whole process he used to get to the result?

Yes, only the result mattered in this scenario and Alex might not be comfortable with providing his process of doing the work as it can be considered a trade secret or confidential information so is the case of abstraction in coding.


"Encapsulation is the binding of code and data together into a single unit."

But what does it mean?

It means that the data, the fields, the member functions, instance variables, and all the other parts of the class are capsuled up and sealed, meaning that this whole set of code is a single unit.
The data stored in the class cannot be accessed directly but through the member functions.
as access to components within the class is restricted.

For example, Alex works in a company, the company has a class personal_data that stores personal, sensitive, and confidential data for filling out necessary details in forms, projects, and identity checks.
This kind of scenario presents us with the need of encapsulating the data that is wrapping data into a unit and just cross-checking details by comparing them using a computer solves the issue of confidentiality of sensitive data.

This results in necessary details filled, for example by just calling a function that compares the sensitive data input with the already existing data and provides only the result of comparison between the two sets of data and not the details, solves the issue and proves the need of encapsulation.


Inheritance is the "acquiring" of properties from one class to another class.

When a class inherits from another class, it means that we do not have to write all the functions and details again, this reduces redundancy and provides reusability to the code.

Inheritance can be of multiple types but the core concept remains the same, let's learn about inheritance, and afterward let's take a look at the different types of inheritance.

In inheritance, there are two different roles taken by the different blocks of code that are the "parent and the child "or "the base class and the derived class "

In the case of a class that is inheriting the properties, the class will be called the child class as a child inherits from the parent.

Types of inheritance:

1. Single inheritance:  a class inherits from a class

2. Multiple Inheritance: one child class inherits from many parent classes

3. Multi-level Inheritance: the child class inherits from other child classes which they themselves have inherited. 

4. Hierarchical Inheritance: A parent class imparting to more than one child class

5. Hybrid Inheritance: A combination of the above inheritance

We shall learn more about the different kinds of inheritance later.

Inheritance can be seen in coding in the form of function overriding

This concept generally means that a function that exists in the parent class is written inside the child class the function written in the parent class with the same name is overridden, meaning that the function written inside the derived class will take precedence over the original function inside the parent class provided the number and type of arguments given are the same.

For example, let's take a class animal and have a derived class land_animal that inherits the animal class and its functions. Let's take a function of the animal class like eating (every animal has to eat) and write the function inside the land_animal class as every land animal also eats.

But the difference arises in the fact that an animal has a larger and more general concept of food as it is a very general class whereas the land_animal class is more distinct and precise in its reach and therefore requires a change in the internal implementation of the function without changing the name.


Polymorphism means many forms, derived from the word poly meaning many and morph meaning form.

For example, Alex can have many different forms/roles in life meaning he can be a father, a husband, a friend, a mentor, an employee, an employer, and so on so forth.

This requires different parameters, meaning that a different paradigm is set for each of the different roles that Alex adopts in life, requiring different sets of inputs and results in different sets of outputs.

There are many ways polymorphism can manifest in a language that is object-oriented like java or python.

Mainly this feature can be understood by function overloading and operator overloading.
I shall briefly go through their meaning, and in detail, we shall learn later on.

Function overloading 

This can be understood as a way to solve a problem with different input values for the same kind of coding logic inside a function, so it is "overloaded" to cover the full scope of the problem.
This can be understood as creating different methods with the same name but different internal implementations.We have learned a lot about Object-oriented programming as a general concept in this post, for further understanding and learning topics like coupling and cohesion concerning object-oriented programming will require you to understand this concept not from a general view but through the lens of a language like java and python.

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