Object-oriented programming as the name suggests is a “programming methodology orientation based on objects”.
Data, when compared with real life, is akin to an “object”, a thing whether that (thing) “object” is a person, a company, a set of things, or anything abstract or real it is considered an “object”.
These “objects” have attributes or in the case of a person the likes/dislikes, features like height, weight, etc. are all attributes.
These attributes are what we call data or arguments passed to the parameters of the function defining or handling the data of the said objects.
The properties of an object are shown as data fields or functions utilizing said data fields.
Generally, classifications are done in real life, it’s everywhere whether it’s the separation between rich and the poor, the distinction between an intellectual and a fool, in corporations between bosses and employees,
A set of groups of like-minded or similar people, whether based socially or economically, is what makes a class in real life.
A class in object-oriented programming is a blueprint or a template for an object or objects based on common attributes & properties.
3. Abstraction
4. Encapsulation
5. Inheritance
6. Polymorphism
Data, when compared with real life, is akin to an “object”, a thing whether that (thing) “object” is a person, a company, a set of things, or anything abstract or real it is considered an “object”.
These “objects” have attributes or in the case of a person the likes/dislikes, features like height, weight, etc. are all attributes.
These attributes are what we call data or arguments passed to the parameters of the function defining or handling the data of the said objects.
The properties of an object are shown as data fields or functions utilizing said data fields.
Generally, classifications are done in real life, it’s everywhere whether it’s the separation between rich and the poor, the distinction between an intellectual and a fool, in corporations between bosses and employees,
A set of groups of like-minded or similar people, whether based socially or economically, is what makes a class in real life.
A class in object-oriented programming is a blueprint or a template for an object or objects based on common attributes & properties.
A class defines the object’s data fields (properties or attributes
or arguments) and methods(functions)
Class-based OOP aims at bundling data with its parameters.
Class-based OOP aims at bundling data with its parameters.
This methodology is great for working on real-time programs and
software tackling real-world problems as object-oriented programming
takes clues from the real world like inheritance, concealment,
generalization of people into groups(classes), and
The basic concepts or pillars of object-oriented programming language.
1. Objects
1. Objects
2. Classes
3. Abstraction
4. Encapsulation
5. Inheritance
6. Polymorphism
We have learned about objects and class in this post. the concepts afterward that is Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, & Polymorphism will be taught later as we progress.