Python Basics - Beginners First Step into Python World !

Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is perfect for beginners.


Python is considered to be very close to the English language due to the lack of syntax and syntactical requirements, only requiring proper indentation.

Given below is a sample code of python.
print("Hello learners")
print("Welcome to college integral blog")

"Here in this code print("this line will show on the screen"), print() is used to show anything or 'print' anything on the screen."

Great for programmers needing concise and logical code.

For example, the Python function name comes after the "def" word, def means define, this way of writing is very easy to grasp.

In comparison defining a function in java words like "public static void function_name(){}" is a syntax load that needs to be understood first for you to work efficiently. 
def python_function_name(parameter1, parameter2):
    return (parameter1 + parameter2)

parameter1 = int(input('Enter 1st parameter: '))
parameter2 = int(input('Enter 2nd parameter: '))

print(f'The addition of {parameter1} and {parameter2} is {python_function_name(parameter1,parameter2)}')
print("learners here it is clearly shown that the function is of sum(addition)")

"Remember even without the name explicitly told to you, you can get a general idea of what this code is about as long as you try to read it as abbreviated English"

Where is python used?

It is used in data analysis and visualization, task automation,  the development of software and websites, and database handling.

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