What is Microsoft Power Bi?

The name suggests to the reader the following that
This is a software of Microsoft
2. This is a part of the "power platform" by Microsoft
3. And that the Bi stands for Business Intelligence
So, what are these points written above?

Well let's start with the Microsoft Power Platform,
Microsoft Power Platform is a line of proprietary software applications that are made for the field of Business Intelligence (hence the name has the word "Bi"), robotic process automation, app development & connectivity, and data visualization.
Since we have understood the basic idea about the platform, let us understand what is Microsoft Power Bi and what does it do?

Microsoft Power Bi is a technologically-fueled analytics component of the Microsoft Power Platform that is primarily focused on business intelligence. 

Power BI is a business analytics service that helps you to turn your raw data into interactive dashboards and gain deeper data insights.

The decisions can be made subjectively and in confidence as even the complex variables are easily understood by the graphs in PowerBI

What are the key components that make Power Bi so dynamic, interconnected and so popular?

1. Power Bi Desktop: This is a windows desktop-based application for PCs and desktops.

2. Power Bi Mobile Apps:
Power Bi mobile Apps are generally built for Android and iOS devices.

3. Power BI Gateway: Gateways are for syncing external data in and out of power bi.

4. Power Bi Dataset: Power Bi dataset is a collection of data on which one works in power bi reports.

5. Power Bi Report Builder: Used to create reports that are shared on PowerBI

6. Power Bi Report Server: A server where you can publish reports

7. Power Bi Service: PowerBI service model is that of SAAS: "Software as a service"  

"The picture provided above is the Microsoft Power BI user interface (UI) window showing some of the important features with the green lines.
graphs are used from the visualization tab on the far right in the above picture."

Why Power BI?

Power Bi Dashboards provide simple UI that enables end-users to create their reports and dashboards. Power BI is a stand-alone desktop application, that comes as a free application for Power BI Desktop. It is also a paid service based on a subscription.

Access to volumes of data is not only easier but also easily correlated from multiple sources as you can use any type of data source available eg. Excel, XML, JSON, pdf, CSV, etc. 
All these data results in the ".PBIX" file of the Power BI.
PowerBI is integrated with azure and Office 365, these all easily integrated software allow real-time analytics to occur resulting in real-time insights that can be put forward for action.

Why do organizations use it?

Organizations use power bi to analyze data of the various domains in which their company products and services are sold and they want to create the best visuals out of the data collected and analyzed to get meaningful insights and provide a subjective & data supported solution instead of an objective solution that lacks foundation in data.

For example,
A manager from Tesla would like to ensure that the investors hold the stock and not sell it, and would like to provide insides from the Stock Market to these investors and influence and encourage other new investors to buy in as well.

Instead of showing these already apprehensive investors more unnecessary and frustrating jargon that will deter them from any future investment a better way would be to make use of power Bi and create easy-to-understand dashboards for the buyers about the tesla stock through visualization.

He can show the growth of the tesla share in the market over the last 5 years by using a line chart or any other chart from the plethora of charts that are provided within a click of effort in the software.

A Buyer would want to see at what price stocks open and close, to compare and see with the area chart the maximums and make an educated investment, for this as well PowerBI is the best.

If the buyer wants to see the total volume of stock till now he can see it through Cards.

All of the above are examples of how anyone could make use of PowerBI and widen their thought process and viewpoint before making a decision.

This is a brief and concise overview of what is Microsoft Power BI? what are its components ? and why should you use it?
To know more check out our website https://collegeintegral.blogspot.com/

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