How to check java version - CollegeIntegral

How to check java version

How to check java version

Java has many versions each having its differences.

When working with different versions of java, it becomes essential that we can check the version of java to ensure a smooth transition of files between colleagues.
But Why?
Well when working on software, you can run into various problems if different java versions are used for different parts of the code.

To check the java version generally, Command Prompt is used.

1. Press Ctrl + r

"ctrl+ r" is a shortcut for run command, run command can be used to run various things on a computer.

2. type cmd

cmd is the abbreviation for command prompt.
A command prompt window is a black window that is used to run the computer using a terminal.

3. type java -version & press enter

java -version is the syntax used to show the version of Java currently installed on the computer.


  1. this is a nice introduction to sensitized the aspiring developer towards the cmd prompt

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